
Saturday, 20 December 2014

Lion Rampant game

The groups last game for this year was a Lion Rampant game. Originally planned using our Medieval armies, until the organiser realised that we didn't have enough Medieval troops painted. With 6 players a fair number of troops are needed to keep our boys happy for a night! So out came the Dark Age armies instead.

This was the first game for most of us and as a result the scenario was relatively simple with not too many different troop types.

 An encounter game with both sides entering from opposite table sides. Three objectives, the village, the bridge and the ford in the river.
The ford. Not quite lining up with the track through the trees.

Defending the bridge.

Action around the bridge.

Crossing the ford.

The village.

By this stage the troop numbers were getting thin.

Not too many left by the end of the game.

With so much happening I am not even going to try to explain what happened, but, long story short, there were a lot of melees and in the end all commands were getting very weak and we called it a draw.

An enjoyable game with most of the guys keen to have another go and even some buying up some medieval troops for the next encounter.

Sunday, 30 November 2014

In the heat of the Sudan.

Last weeks game with the boys was set in the Sudan. The Anglo-Egyptian army was out to capture a Mahdist held town before nightfall.

The target for the Brit's.

 The Mahdists set up a defensive line through some rough ground and awaited the onslaught of the British.
Some Mahdists waiting in the town.

Horses and camels covering the centre.

 The British and the Egyptians advanced towards the waiting Mahdists. When they were within range the Mahdists rushed out and charged into the enemy.
 The Mahdists charged several times but they all went the way of the British with the Mahdists suffering heavy casualties.

 The British lines held against these attacks and after a while the Mahdists withdrew back through the rough ground and reformed their lines for the next stage in the British advance.

 Now the British could continue their advance again.

Cavalry and skirmishers clash on the flank.

The town seems a long way off at this stage.

 With the British moving off toward the rough ground the Mahdists charged in again where they could, and managed to hurt some of the Egyptian units.
 The British army was hurting but so were the Mahdists. The locals were being slowly forced back.
Time was up and the British were almost there. A gun boat had appeared on the river complete with a couple of Highland units ready to disembark and add their weight to the fight. This battle was over but in the morning the British would have an easy time mopping up any remaining Mahdist troops and then walking into the town.

Rules used were V&B. All troops are from Adrian's collection.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Conquest 2014

Last weekend Conquest was on here in Christchurch. The Southern Strategists generally put on a demo game or two at Conquest each year but this year we put on three.

First up is our 20mm WW2 game.
Russia V Germans.

 We had another run through of the rules on the Wednesday night before.

 ..and the game we played on the Saturday.

The players swapped sides from the Wednesday night game but still I think the Russians won both games.
On the Sunday some of the guys put on a Steam Punk game that I think ended in a draw.

 Also on the Sunday we put on a Great Northern War game. 

 Initially the Swedes looked to have this game well under control but in the end the Russians had the numbers to hang in there and take the victory.

There were a number of competition games on ( over 140 players I believe). These included X- Wing, FOW and Bolt Action in one room  as well as other Science Fiction type games in another room. Unfortunately the lighting in the other room meant that my photos didn't turn out too good .
A bunch of X-Wing games under way.
One of the FOW tables
The Bolt Action table was very impressive with the wonderful terrain tiles they were using.
 Always a great weekend of fun and games and catching up with friends.