
Saturday, 8 November 2014

Conquest 2014

Last weekend Conquest was on here in Christchurch. The Southern Strategists generally put on a demo game or two at Conquest each year but this year we put on three.

First up is our 20mm WW2 game.
Russia V Germans.

 We had another run through of the rules on the Wednesday night before.

 ..and the game we played on the Saturday.

The players swapped sides from the Wednesday night game but still I think the Russians won both games.
On the Sunday some of the guys put on a Steam Punk game that I think ended in a draw.

 Also on the Sunday we put on a Great Northern War game. 

 Initially the Swedes looked to have this game well under control but in the end the Russians had the numbers to hang in there and take the victory.

There were a number of competition games on ( over 140 players I believe). These included X- Wing, FOW and Bolt Action in one room  as well as other Science Fiction type games in another room. Unfortunately the lighting in the other room meant that my photos didn't turn out too good .
A bunch of X-Wing games under way.
One of the FOW tables
The Bolt Action table was very impressive with the wonderful terrain tiles they were using.
 Always a great weekend of fun and games and catching up with friends.


  1. So many beautiful pictures! I do like the first table...

  2. Fantastic looking tables and terrain! Thanks for the pics

  3. Excellent pictures - so much to look at and enjoy :)
    The shot of that Tiger is superb...!

  4. Hi.
    Lovely wooden buildings and fences, as well as the multi-Still has excellent
    the fir trees behind the chapel is excellent detail.
    + Nordenfeld gannon (boat) is very rare...

  5. Great looking games guys. the 20mm WWI looked fantastic

  6. Looks like a great couple of days! Thanks for the post :)
