
Monday, 21 April 2014

2014 N.Z. Wargaming Nationals.

With the New Zealand wargaming Nationals being held in Christchurch this Easter the boys got together and put on a demo game as usual.

This time it was a decent sized Napoleonic game on a 12' by 6' table. Based on part of the Battle of Polotsk  17–18 August 1812.

Starting positions

Bavarians holding the town of Spas are under attack from the advancing Russians.

From the Bavarian side.

Masses of Russian cavalry trying to sweep around the French flank!

More Russians pouring through the centre.

The battle is about to be decided on the flack with the cavalry.

The Russians have now taken two of the three town sectors of Spas.

The cavalry about to meet!

The Bavarians briefly recaptured one town sector but are kicked right back out again.

The Bavarians begin to cross the river in an attempt to fall on the flank of the Russians.

The Bavarian cavalry fold under the Russian weight, just before a large body of French Cuirassiers arrive.

The Bavarian and French troops are forced to withdraw.

A very enjoyable two days spent pushing the figures around the table.

The rules used were General de Brigade and all the figures were supplied by Chris who ran the game for the rest of us.

There were a number of other demo games on during the convention.



A post apocalyptic game....

 and Sangin, a modern skirmish game.

To finish off here are some photos of some of the competition games.

The Flames of War layouts were very cool..

This is only a few of the FOW games as some of the photos didn't come out too well in the poor light.

 Several 15mm Napoleonic games using Fields of Glory....
 some DBR (?) games.....
and some Dystopian Wars.

Numerous other game too but unfortunately I have no useable photos of them.

Unfortunately a number of people were unable to attend the convention this year due to the bad weather in New Zealand causing cancelled ferry crossings and cancelled or delayed air flights.