
Thursday, 17 October 2013

Die Kriegskunst ( Part 2 )

Carrying on from where we left off with the Prussians pushing the Austrians back across the table.

 With one town sector secured the Prussians were looking to break the Austrian centre and then mop up area.
Rolling forward.

 The cavalry on the Austrian right wing had been ignoring orders to advance for most of the battle. A visit from the CinC made them see things differently and off they went....

 ....wheeling around onto the Prussian flank.
Over on the Prussian right flank the cavalry were sizing up each other.
High tide for the Prussians!

Then this guy appeared!!!

 The Prussian flank began to fold and their cavalry were rather reluctant to do anything to help.
On the opposite flank the cavalry had come to blows with the honours being shared.

The Austrian cavalry started ripping through the Prussians and the rout began!!!

Big thanks to Chris for organizing the game, supplying the troops, terrain, venue and beers!

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