
Sunday, 30 October 2011

Conquest 2011

Conquest is an annual gaming event being held in conjunction with Comics Compulsion and the Christchurch Cavaliers Wargames Club. Every year, apart from a couple of times, the Southern Strategists put on a demo game and this year it was a Napoleonic naval game.

Here are a few photos from our game and some of the other games going on around the place.

Kings of War demo game.

Beautiful Dark Age troops from the Kings of War game.


There are some more photos from our game on Wayne's blog
Our naval demo game.

A few photos from the competition rooms.

Some very good building skills here.

Flames of War and Ancients competitions
 Some photos of an excellent Casino layout for FoW made by Craig from Lots more info and photos on Craig's blog, well worth a look.

Some of the other FoW tables.

I thought this layout looked really nice too.